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JACK! Artists Showcase 15-10 Chapter 21

september 26, 2014

Hello World,

Let’s get introduced to each other………..

We are JACK! Artists from Amsterdam and we represent a team of talented DJ/Producers & live artists with a strong focus on Deep House, Deep Disco, Indie Dance and Original House music. JACK! operates as a team and as a family, with an open eye for creative values in life.

Please come and join our first official showcase event at the intimate Chapter21. On behalf of all our artists and crew, let’s bring out a toast together on our new musical journey and experiences ahead of us. So come early and drink a Jack Honey shot with us!

Full Line Up:
Kav Verhouzerhttps://soundcloud.com/kavverhouzer
Raw Undergroundhttps://soundcloud.com/raw-underground
De Cultuurbarbarenhttps://soundcloud.com/de-cultuurbarbaren
Raymond Bloomberghttps://soundcloud.com/de-cultuurbarbaren
Berenice van Leerhttps://soundcloud.com/berenicevanleer
IJsbrand on saxhttp://www.ijsbrandonsax.com/

Love & Musicality!

www.jackartists.com | www.chapter21.nl

Presale tickets: €7,- || get your tickets here goo.gl/WGlHyB
Doors open for public: 22 P.M.


  • NERD
  • NSFW
  • Gathier
  • Raw Underground
  • Kav Verhouzer